“My favorite bettle”

Today’s essay is by guest blogger (and perhaps future entomologist), Madison MacRae. Currently a 3rd grade student at Pond Elementary School, Madison’s interests include ice skating, tetherball, basketball, piano, dancing, singing, and hiking/bug collecting with her dad. Next year they will be something else. Madison would like to be a grade school teacher when she grows up. She would also like to be a nurse… and a fire fighter… and a football player. This is Madison’s second guest contribution to Beetles In The Bush, the first appearing on February 6, 2008 where she discussed the job responsibilities of a professional entomologist. For today’s contribution, Madison will be discussing one of the insects she saw on a visit to Missouri’s sand prairies back in early September [Ed. note: the insect in question appears to be an intergrade population of Cicindela scutellaris, characterized by their green coloration (unicolor influence) with variable maculation (lecontei influence)]. The original article was submitted as school work (with no prompting or prior knowledge by her dad!) and is reprinted here by the kind permission of its author.

MacRae, M. I.  2008.  My favorite bettle.  Privately published, 1 p., 1 color pl.

3 thoughts on ““My favorite bettle”

  1. What a nice post …I love it that you included the original manuscript.
    Congrats to Madison on being a great guest contributor..excellent

  2. Madison, that was a nice write up on your favorite tiger beetle,and a good illustration as well. You also have nice penmanship for a 3rd grader. Keep up the good work.
